You constantly face competition; the challenges are not what you expect.

BIG APC has the solutions and alternatives.


You constantly face competition; the challenges are not what you expect.

BIG APC has the solutions and alternatives.



We offer limited scheduled workshops in the region on engaging competitiveness and intelligence. The contents are updated frequently to be relevant to current business climate and trends. Beyond these, we also customise content for individual organisations to meet their industry-specific needs.


Competitive intelligence (CI) is more than just intelligence on the competition, but many organisations are pre-occupied with what their competitors are doing or planning. CI is positioning yourself more competitively against buyers and sellers, customer base, your environment and counter intelligence.


Organisations talk to us when they need to make critical decisions; not that they can’t make them or don’t know how. They turn to us for objective (intelligence-based), directional (intelligence-driven) and experienced advice – whether it is an organisational, operational or a strategic challenge.

Upcoming 2018 Intakes

Innovating Radical Competition – International

Redefining the Rules of Your Competition

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Inno Quest

Innovation begins here….. my mindset!

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Innovating Radical Competition - Asia Pacific

Blazing New Trails in an Unfamiliar Environment

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