Research Insights on industries provide key player information; market size and segmentation by key player, product type, features, customer groups, etc.; structure of supply & distribution, including providers, margins, discounts, and geographic coverage; technological development; regulatory changes; expected market shifts and trends; and over-all profitability and potential of the industry. Regulatory and policy monitoring provides understanding governmental requirements for doing business in a particular industry within a specific market.

Industry Tracking

study types
Being updated on technological trends and regulatory changes are the main challenges of organisations today. Disruptive technologies, new players, impact of economic and political forces on their industries are monitored to provide you with up-to-date competitive intelligence enabling strategists and senior executives the opportunity to make critical decisions.

delivery time frame
2-4 weeks depending on the data points required.

typical markets
China, South Korea, Australia, US, EU

common industries
Telecommunications, Banking, Chemicals, Energy, Utilities, Aviation / Defence

Market Tracking Insights Reports

study types
Insights reports are designed to support strategic planning and scenario analysis initiatives. These are customised, comprehensive and deep-dive intelligence reports covering topics under industry tracking with insights from market and industry analysts, experts, key opinion leaders, government representatives, and executives of industry players.

delivery time frame
6-8 weeks depending on the type of industry, number of players, and depth of information needed.

typical markets
China, Thailand, India

common industries
Retail, Energy, Telecommunications, Consumer Electronics, FMCG, Pharmaceuticals

Sample Studies

Regulatory and Landscape Study Navigation systems overview focusing on car navigation related policy and regulatory environment in the US and Russia. The study covered product penetration and market size (region-wise breakdown), market share by brand/type (built-in/portable/PDA),  makers (history, brand presence, price range etc), and competitive environment (key players and competitor marketing platforms and activities)

Industry Profile This pharmaceutical industry study focused on the generic drugs market and manufacturers in Asia. It covered key players, main products and product lines, market size, performance and outlook, drivers and constraints of future market performance.